How to tune slot port

if i am building a slot ported box to JL's specs for the W6-V2 (W-26.25 H-14 W-13) would it sound best with the slot port to JL specs (Slot Width-1.5 Slot Height 12.5 Slot Length 29 and Extention Length 16) or would it sound beter and hit harder with it tuned 35-40? and how would i tune the port to 35-40 Htz? slot port tuning - SPL & SQ / Fabrication - SSA® Car Audio Forum

Re: Slot Port vs. Round Port and modeling I just realized it probably makes a fairly significant difference in the spread sheet calculations because when you use a slot port, you're using possibly 1" MDF, so the cumulative volume displacement of the slot vent is much higher than what the spreadsheet is calculating for a round port. slot port tunning? - Enclosure Design & Construction Help ... thats just under 3cf not including port and sub yet. hold on, ill figure it out with a slot port that is 13.5" tall, 3" wide, it would need to be 33" long for 37hz tuning, bringing the box down to 2cf net, still not including sub (.25 probably) Slot port calculator - ascarcoiving The slot port would be 3 ¾ inches wide by 14 ½ inches tall. Some port lengths do not allow for 16-inch port depths without some sort of modification. The rule of thumb is not to let the end of the port get any closer to the back wall than the width of the port. So back to our example, we have an internal box depth of 12.5 inches. What frequency should my ports be tuned to? - Home Theater Forum

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I looked at a couple of websites but am still confused as to how to tune the port to the frequency you want. And how does the length, width, height of the port affect the tuning? Trouble Calculating Port Length? | Yahoo Answers I'm working on designing a ported box for 2 Pioneer Premier TS3002D4. The recommended Vb is 1.2 ft^3. I wish to tune the box to 32 Hz but whenever I calculate the port length using the slot port calculator at i get a ridiculously long port length. Slot port enclosures: successes and failures, please post ... Hey Folks, There are many who are looking to build slot ported enclosures with as narrow of a port as possible. Based on searching around, I have seen some comments like "keep it to a minimum of 2" height" or "don't go lower than an 8:1 width:height ratio", but I couldn't find any really good data to back those claims up, hence this post.

Overview: This is a calculator for designing a Labyrinth Vent Bass Reflex Enclosure. The formulas used in the calculator create a design that suggests the most maximally flat response in an anechoic environment based on the number of drivers, the thiele small parameters and the allotted dimensions specified in the user’s input fields. The calculator…Continue reading →

Almost Everything You Would Want to Know about Holley Almost everybody has a Holley carb but not everyone know how to tune them we show you how and help you learn the science and basics of carburetors. Car Craft Magazine

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Q: Slot Port Length - Techtalk Speaker Building, Audio, Video ... Re: Q: Slot Port Length I've always understood picture #2 would be the correct way to do it. From my experience, you can tune a bit higher in a vehicle than you normally would. Enclosure Ports – JL Audio Help Center - Search Articles Port Basics When tuning a ported enclosure, there are two widely used methods implemented. These two methods involve the use of a port, generally made from a simple piece of PVC pipe, or a duct (sometimes called a slot port), which is normally constructed out of the same material the box is made of (normally wood).

Jun 04, 2012 · Slot port tuning Archived. This topic is now archived and is closed to further replies. Slot port tuning. By Kris4b11, June 4, 2012 in Subwoofers / Enclosures. but now have no idea what the port is really tuned to because I misunderstood the box calc on bcae and made the slot port the length of the round port suggested ( started the length ...

I looked at a couple of websites but am still confused as to how to tune the port to the frequency you want. And how does the length, width, height of the port affect the tuning? Slot port enclosures: successes and failures, please post ... Hey Folks, There are many who are looking to build slot ported enclosures with as narrow of a port as possible. Based on searching around, I have seen some comments like "keep it to a minimum of 2" height" or "don't go lower than an 8:1 width:height ratio", but I couldn't find any really good data to back those claims up, hence this post. Subwoofer Enclosure Calculators, Parallel, Series, Port ...

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